Straight Base Line (1)
Coastal Zone Limit (2)
12NM Limit (3)
External limit EEZ (4)
Approximate positions of Turkish military forces (5)
Lines Described in the Treaty of Establishment (6)
SBA Land Limits (7)
Natural Coastline (8)
Artificial Coastline (9)
Port Limit (10)
| Port |
| Port of limited use |
Port Area (11)
| Port of limited use |
| Ports |
Spatial Area Boundary (12)
Coastal Erosion Protection Works Zone (14)
Military Facilities Development Zone (15)
Military Αctivities Ζone (16)
Military Αctivities Exclusion Ζone (17)
Desalination Water Protection Zone (18)
Marine Antiquities Protection Zone (19)
Aquaculture Zone (20)
Energy Centre Zone (21)
Hydrocarbon Exploration Exploitation And Extraction Zone (22)
Cables Landing Zone (23)
Energy Pipelines Routing Zone (24)
Proposed RES Investigation Area (25)
Fishing Prohibition Zone (26)
Port Activities Zone (27)
Natura 2000 area (28)
Proposed Natura 2000 area (29)
Dredging Material Dumping Area (30)
Dredging Material Dumping Area Poly (31)
Maritime Transport Route (32)
Recreational Craft Infrastructure Zone (33)
Scientific Research and Testing Zone (34)
Swimming And Recreation Zone (35)
Spatial Area Boundary (36)